4 Habits That Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Worsen Menopausal Symptoms

Four Habits that Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Worsen Other Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause brings its own set of symptoms. They are, generally speaking, ones you have never had to contend with before. Mood swings are difficult, and if you have never really had them before, you may be asking yourself, “Who is this person that’s acting in this way? It’s certainly not the me I’m used to!"

The insomnia may begin to take a toll on your life, making you accident-prone and skewing your decision-making abilities. Hot flashes may leave you amazed that you have to change clothes so often during the day and leave you wondering when the next one will occur.

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All these symptoms do make life difficult, and since bad habits will aggravate the symptoms of menopause, it will be very important to make sure your daily habits are as good as they can be.

Here are four habits to avoid during the trying times of menopause:

  1. Eating irregular meals.

    Mood swings from hormone fluctuations during menopause are aggravated by low blood sugar, so do everything in your power to eat regular meals. Low blood sugar will cause a whole host of negative symptoms, including headaches, mood swings, mental fog, weariness, anxiety, aggressiveness, a hunger that leads to overeating, depression, shakiness, sweating and trembling, and can potentially mimic every known mental disorder! The only way to overcome low blood sugar during menopause is to eat regular meals. Your body was engineered to accept three meals daily, one meal every four hours. It’s the ideal way to get in your nutrients for the day. The best way to ensure that meals are eaten is to simply prepare the protein for the week ahead of time. With a cooked chicken, beef roast and ham sitting in the refrigerator already cooked, there’s no reason you can’t slice your choice of meat while your vegetables are cooking in a pot on the stove. Then add a dessert to the meal, and presto – just like that, you are providing nutrients regularly!
  2. Skimping on fruits and vegetables.

    Menopause is the time to incorporate more fruits and veggies into your diet (if you haven’t done so already). These foods contain important phytonutrients that can mimic your body’s natural reproductive hormones. This action will reduce menopausal symptoms. However, if your body is deficient in these natural phytonutrients, it will take a while to build up the stores of them.
  3. Taking naps during the day.

    When you’re missing out on sleep at night, it’s tempting to take naps during the day. This will result in circadian cycles that are out of balance, and your body will produce less melatonin. If you feel like you need a nap, take a power nap no longer than twenty minutes until you can re-establish your sleep cycles.
  4. Forgetting to do a liver cleanse.

    When was the last time you did a liver cleanse? A liver cleanse allows your body to break down hormones so you can feel like you have a fresh start every day. A liver cleanse is as easy as adding one to two liver cleansing herbal capsules to the end of your meal daily for six weeks.

Menopause doesn’t have to be a difficult time. Examine your habits and make a few changes, and note what happens to your symptoms. You’ll be amazed at how much control you have.

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