Yoga for Menopause

Yoga to Help You Through Menopause

Who doesn’t want relief from menopausal symptoms? No one really wants to take medication for it if they can help it.  Menopause is your body’s response to all of the hormones that are fluctuating every which way.  Weight gain is possible as well as increased irritability and decreased libido.  Other symptoms are:

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Palpitations
  • Backaches

What you may find to be interesting, however, is that yoga can help women going through menopause.  The practice of yoga cut hot flashes by around 31% according to one study.  Other supporting research has found yoga improved other symptoms like mood and libido.

Practicing Yoga

Yoga is very popular in our culture today.  You may find that your local community YMCA or churches may be holding yoga classes in your own town.  Yoga DVDs can be rented from the video store or off of  Libraries carry DVDs and books on this relaxing activity (and for free!).  Pop in the DVD anytime you want.  You will want to invest in a yoga mat so that you have a soft surface to workout on.  Invite a friend over to make it more engaging and fun.  It will help calm and relax you; the reduction of stress will lessen menopausal symptoms.  This will enhance your sleep at night and mood during the day.

Some Poses You Should Try

You don’t have to do any complicated poses to get benefits from practicing yoga.  Some of the most basic moves will help alleviate many symptoms you suffer when you are menopausal.  Yoga is believed to elevate your mood and help your body obtain strength to handle the changes of menopause.

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Here are some movements to try:

#1: Standing Forward Bend

  1. Stand with feet in line with the hips
  2. Reach your right arm up high and stretch the right side of your torso for a couple of seconds. Lower slowly and repeat on your left side.
  3. Bend over like you are trying to touch your toes; bend your knees slightly. Try to sustain that position for 45 seconds.
  4. Slowly roll your spine as you come back up.

#2: Chair Pose with Shoulder Press

  1. Put feet together while standing in place; reach arms above your head. Face palms inward.
  2. Move your hips back as if you are about to sit down.
  3. Bring your upper arms to shoulder height; you will want to turn the palms of your hands forward. Then straighten arms overhead.
  4. Do the arm raises 5 times. Slowly bring your hands to your shoulders and return to standing position.

#3: Warrior 2 with Mini-Lift

  1. Stand straight; place your left leg behind you about 3 feet and bend your right knee.
  2. Extend your arms straight and level with shoulders with your palms down.
  3. Lift your hands 5 inches and hold for 10 seconds. Slowly lower.  You can do this move 5 times.
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